Priya Nath records Shri Nathji’s ghazal:“Tasaahul kis liye ye hai, zaraa taajeel ho jaaye“Why this indolence, let there be some haste!”Shri Nathji is referring to the real quest of man – which is to realise God in the short span of His Existence upon earth.“It is good that life is short, and that Death has been made so uncertain, so that man may not leave anything to the next moment. He must realise God, now! In this very moment! There is just this one moment before man, which goes no sooner than it comes! Time As Priya Nath is recording the ghazal, his small Phillips tape-recorder falls off the stool and breaks. He is disconsolate – and wonders why it happened, and even vexed at Shri Nathji for asking him to record the ghazal at the time! He says he was so worried about Shri Nathji’s health that he could not handle the tape-recorder properly and so it fell!