A team of doctors from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences suddenly arrives for Shri Nathji’s darshan. They are brought there by a certain Dr. Manoj Mehta, ophthalmologist, who had received the special blessings of Shri Nathji, and, in later years, when he was out of work, secured a lucrative job unexpectedly, through Shri Nathji’s Blessings. They all come into Shri Nathji’s bedroom and touch his feet and also examine his feet for signs of swelling, Oedema.“Doctoron kaa baar baar aanaa shubh naheen maanaa jaataa.“The coming of doctors again and again is not an auspicious sign.”Shri Nathji also used to say in a humorous vein: “Babaji to doctoron ko ghussne naheen dete thhe!