In a moment of reverie, Shri Nathji tells a legend associated with the famous Muslim saint, Nizammudin Aulia, to Priya Nath, who records it on paper.“Naheen banaate Aulia!”“I no longer make you an Aulia!”Aulia meant a saint endowed with divine powers. Suddenly, all of Nizammudin’s spiritual powers left him, and he became an ordinary person.“All we got from him were shoes! Amir Khusroo sensed that something had gone wrong and that Nizammudin Aulia was no longer the same person he had been before. Upon meeting Nizammudin Aulia the facts came to light. Amir Khusroo had to find a way to please Bu-Ali-Qalandar.“Kaih do Nizammudin Aulia hai!”The boy rode upon the back of the Faqueer and hit him several times with the horse-whip, saying:“Kaih do Nizammudin Aulia hai!“I will never say that!” said the Faqueer.“Too Aulia hai!When the child hit him again, and insisted that he say that Nizammudin be made Aulia, Bu Ali Qalandar said:“Ye saare AuliaThe powers of Bu Ali Qalandar were made manifest upon Khusroo. He was one who could give to saints their sainthood, and confer sainthood upon anyone that he chose in a single command. He could make an ‘Aulia’ out of anyone that he chose. He had done a great favour on Nizammudin by making him an “Achhaa, kaih dete hain ke Nizammudin Aulia hai!“All Right! Let Nizammudin become No sooner had he said this when Nizammudin became ‘“Ye meraa zarf khataa par khataa huyee mujhse“It is my Nature that I sin again and again,Shri Nathji had by this story, explained how the spiritual stature of a saint did not depend upon his outer glory or pompous style of living, nor the collection of a large number of followers of high status. A genuine saint could be without all these outer trappings of materialism and yet have greater power than those who were publicly acknowledged as being great.“If you find a diamond lying in the dust you may lose sight of its importance and think it is of no worth. You cast it away. Someone else comes along the way and picks up the diamond and recognizes its worth. He keeps it with himself and becomes a Shri Nathji, himself, was leading a quiet, unostentatious life, rarely revealing his divinity, and yet giving of his fountain of divine light to all and sundry. Many were the persons who had come to him and had received the divine touch from him, becoming great saints and attracting multitudes to themselves in later years.“Eesaa agar murdaa ba sad duaa zindaa“If Christ could bring to life a dead man with a hundred prayers,And there had been the Persian Verse that Barrister Durga Dayal had recited on Shri Nathji in the 1940’s at Mussoorie:Husne Yusuf, dame Eesaa, yade BaizaadaariThe Beauty of Yusuf, the breath of Christ, the rod of Moses,Yusuf was said to be the handsomest prophet in the history of the world. It was said that two thirds of the beauty in the Universe had been granted to him whereas only one third was given to the world. The breath of Christ was said to raise people from the dead. The rod of Moses had parted the red sea.