On June 4, 1988, there is horrible news from Nagpur. Mrs. Bahl comes to Shri Nathji’s house in a thunderstorm, bringing a telephonic message from Arun Raout of Nagpur who could not get Priya Nath’s phone connection. “News “The news did not affect me at all, or else it could have caused a heart attack!”It is only then that Priya Nath realises the gravity of the mistake he had made in suddenly breaking the news to Shri Nathji. Indeed, Priya Nath had more than once caused sudden alarms to Shri Nathji by giving him shocking news. In October 1985 he had suddenly told Shri Nathji that Sudha, his loyal devotee, would not be returning despite the promise she had made at the time of leaving, and this had deeply shocked Shri Nathji even to the point of his almost having a heart attack.