There is Sudhir Saxena who arrives from America and brings a special ‘Casio’ musical instrument with a built-in rhythm – which lends a new dimension to Priya Nath’s singing. “Kabhi ai haseene sanaaye dil too nazar aajaa faraaz men“O Beauteous Glory of the Heart, appear in the Heights of Glory,The one verse in this ghazal which Shri Nathji says is the best and most beautiful one, is as follows: “Teri hamd men ye zubaan khule,“May this tongue sing of Thy Glory, and these eyes open to Thy LightOnly Shri Nathji was capable of writing such divine poetry, which would have been the envy of the greatest of poets in Urdu. He was writing these beautiful verses when he was 86 years old and beset upon by dreadful illnesses. Shri Nathji’s poetry proved that He was God Incarnate who had come to add a new dimension to Urdu Poetry and, indeed, to poetry itself.