These are the days when the mosquitoes have literally swarmed all over the house, and bite Shri Nathji and Priya Nath no end, so that they have to toss and turn in bed all night. Priya Nath applies wet towels soaked in dettol and water to Shri Nathji’s hands and keeps the towels over his pillows to keep the mosquitoes away.“They went and complained to Lord Indra, the head of the gods, about the wind which would blow them away and thus deprive them of their food. ‘Call the wind!’ said Lord Indra. And the moment the wind came – all the mosquitoes were blown away!Shri Nathji’s favourite parable on mosquitoes was about the man who slept in the open with a short blanket. Mosquitoes bit him all over. If he covered his face and body, his feet remained exposed, and were bitten. On the other hand if he covered his feet, his face would be exposed to the mosquitoes.“Can’t you stretch the blanket?”This was Shri Nathji’s definition of a state of contentment.