The ‘World this Week’ news item on television shows a better world. Since 1984 the world has become a far better place to live in. After the Helsinki Agreement between America and the Soviet Union in December 1987 – which came about after Shri Nathji’s letters to Reagan and Gorbachev, there was the Historic Peace Treaty of May 1988 signed by Reagan and Gorbachev. The Iraq-Iran war ended in August 1988. Pakistan became a democracy when Benazir Bhutto was elected, ending decades of dictatorship. There is also India’s peace initiative with China.“Ai baadshaah duniyaa ke hain mohre meri shatranj ke, “O, Emperor, this world is but a game of chess before me,By December 31, 1988 Shri Nathji is in a cheerful mood and assists the coming of the New Year, anxious to listen to the notes of ‘Olde Lang Zyne’, the international song bidding farewell to the Old Year, which Priya Nath would play on the piano at the stroke of midnight. Shri Nathji has already written a ghazal for the coming New Year and Priya Nath has put it to tune. * * * * * * * * * *