On February 8, 1988, Shri Nathji tells Priya Nath the story of the saint, Bulle Shah. He had acquired a large number of followers as also unparalleled name and fame as a very holy person. His ‘darbaar’, court, was filled with wealthy nawabs, and people of status, all of whom bowed before him.“Jaa, Bulle daa Bullaa hee reyaa! “Thou art what thou were–an ignoramus!”Immediately thereafter, Bulle Shah lost all his spiritual powers.“Bas kar jee hun bas kar ji,“Enough of thy wrath, enough, O Master!The guru recognized Bulle Shah and said:“Kaun? Bullaa?”“No sire, it is bhullaa!”“Bullaa?“No sire, ‘Bhullaa’ meant one who was lost, one who had erred.