On February 22, 1989, Shri Nathji puts on his golden yellow turban and his dark blue striped achkan, which he always wears on these winter functions.“Ye vakte khush mubaarik hai ke jis men Pranji aaye,“This joyous day is of good tidings in which Pranji has come,Priya Nath plays the ghazal over the loudspeaker, which is fitted in the big room and where the devotees listen to it.“Ye Maahe“This month of February has come bringing a new Message of Life”And there is Shri Nathji’s fascinating lecture of February 22, 1988, on Pran Nathji, where he lays emphasis on Pran Nathji’s birth at exactly 12:00 noon, when the Sun is directly overhead. It is the time when saviours, prophets and messiahs, are born.“Mussoorie kis kadar khush hai ke Bhola Nath aaye hain
“Mussoorie is filled with joy at the coming of Bhola Nath”At the end of the function, Priya Nath takes the video camera in his own hands and shoots the scene of Shri Nathji blessing Paramjit Singh, even as he touches Shri Nathji’s feet and Shri Nathji embraces him, and pats him on his head, saying repeatedly with great love:“Paramjit Singhji! All the devotees take Shri Nathji’s ‘darshan’ from the inner window and bow one after another, as Priya Nath gives them the ‘laddoo kaa prasaad’ touched and sanctified by Shri Nathji’s hands.“Subah hoti hai aur shaam hoti hai”“Morning and Night do come and go”And“Nazar ke saamne aate to shaidaa sab jahaan hotaaIf Thou wert before the eyes the world would have been entranced”