There are the usual homelies, as Shri Nathji lovingly tells Priya Nath to brush his teeth regularly, as it was apparent that he had been ignoring this in his total absorption in Shri Nathji. “Priyaji, daanton kaa barraa khyaal rakhnaa chahiye! Roz manjan kar lenaa chahiye“Priyaji you must take great care of the teeth. You must brush them daily. The rules of health must not be ignored. These things may not appear to be important today but become troublesome in old age.”Shri Nathji also tells Priya Nath to put Jabakusum Hair Oil on his head, as Priya Nath had not combed his hair since days and it was long and slovenly. “Piyaji, kyaa mailaa“Piyaji, what a worn-out coat you are wearing! Isn’t there another coat in the house? Clothes must be such as to be pleasing to the eyes of others. You are certainly not an ascetic or a mahatma. You must dress with the dignity of a Harvard Scholar. Keep the collar closed at the neck, it looks more smart!”Then there would be the repeated exhortations of Shri Nathji to Priya Nath to shave every day.“Too sab jagah hai zaahir, pardaa na keejiye,“Thou art present everywhere, hide not behind a veil,