There is the arrival of Uday Tanksale and his wife from Nagpur. Uday bursts out into tears as he meets Priya Nath and later Shri Nathji. It is a flood of tears, which always flows whenever this devotee comes before his Lord and Master. These were tears more real than any other emotion in the world. These were the tears of a true relationship. Although Uday rarely came to the darbaar of Shri Nathji, yet, whenever he did, there was this flood of devotion that poured out in the form of tears from his heart and soul.“Aapke haathh ka khaane ke liye to hamen Nagpur jaanaa parrtaa, agar aap yahaan na aateen!“I would have had to go to Nagpur to eat food cooked by your hands, had you not come here!”They leave Delhi, doubly blessed by Shri Nathji. Uday’s father, Shri M.V.Tanksale had many years ago seen the VIRAAT ROOP of Shri Nathji, which extended from the earth to the Heavens. Both his sons, Uday and Raju, had an undying devotion in Shri Nathji.