On July 10, 1989, there is a surprise visit from Shri Nathji’s old devotee, Justice M.N.Shukla, who has become the Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court with the blessings of Shri Nathji. He had first met Shri Nathji in the early 1950’s when he was a budding lawyer. He had retained his faith in Shri Nathji’s divinity for about 50 years. Now, on July 10, 1989, he comes with his wife.“There is no one like Shri Nathji in the world– He is the only real Sufi I have met in my life. I met him in the early 1950’s in Mussoorie. He was an extremely handsome figure, royal, and majestic, like an Emperor. The greatest intellectuals of the time– judges, lawyers and scientists as well as the common folk–and, indeed, people of all religions faiths, flocked to hear his nectar of words and to get a glimpse of his divine personality! He is the greatest speaker of all times!Priya Nath recorded this last meeting between the Judge and Shri Nathji on audio cassette.