In Mussoorie, a miracle occurs. Priya Nath had sent a carefully prepared application to safeguard the property there–but his lawyer, whose pride was hurt, refused to file the application. Shri Nathji had read and approved the application. “Meraa khyaal hai vo file kar degaa!”“I think he will file it!”Much to Vishal’s surprise at Dehra Dun, the lawyer called him inside his chambers, and said, all at once:“All right, I will file it as it is!”Shri Nathji had changed his heart from New Delhi. “Don’t think I am only this body. My inner self is reaching out to all corners of the world. My thought waves are going everywhere. If radio and television waves can carry messages across why cannot I? I am everywhere at the same time!”“ALL TIME IS NOW–Shri Nathji had also said in a light vein:“Jahaan aap mujh se bhaag kar jaayenge vahaan main paihle hee kharraa hoongaa!”“No matter where you may run from me– you shall find me already there!”Priya Nath spends a lot of time with the usual visitors and devotees, especially Ramesh Sharma, in the big room, and deeply regrets that, because of this, Shri Nathji remains confined to his bedroom, sometimes even foregoing His evening walks in the big room.