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As Priya Nath begins his diary of March 6, 1992, he starts with a Prayer:“O Lord, I begin this Diary with earnest and fervent prayers to Thee to keep Pitaji in excellent health all throughout its pages and even after that. I seek refuge in Thee. Please save us and help us!”Priya Nath sees Shri Nathji in two Faces –the first, his dearest, sweetest, cutest, ‘buggoo’ Father, ‘Pitiji’, who was an Ocean of Love, unaffected by old age and looking perennially young, undaunted, unaffected by sorrow and suffering, glittering with Divine Light, and ever ready to serve any human being at any time. The second is Shri Nathji’s Invisible Face as the Creator of the Universe, the Lord God of Creation.“The air inside a glass appears to be separate from the air outside, yet it is one with the entire atmosphere. The Avatar, while existing in human form, exists in the Infinity of the Universe as His Almighty Self as well.”Priya Nath had found an easy way–he prayed to Shri Nathji’s Invisible, Infinite, All Powerful Self to preserve His delicate fragile self as a human upon earth.