To keep Priya Nath happy, Shri Nathji blissfully sings a“We sat in the big room all of Saturday night and watched Saihgal’s film, ‘My Sister’. I explained the details to Pitaji as I went along watching the film. He was watching with great interest–and I enjoyed watching the film with my dear, sweet, Pitiji.”Priya Nath recollects how in 1990 he had been restricting Shri Nathji’s fluid intake to even as low as 500 cc on occasion, making Shri Nathji unusually thirsty. However, this had only caused the weight to go up further–causing the body to retain more water and to void as little as 300 cc at a time or less. “Goodaa morning! Goodaa morning! May you, I and Pran, live long, happily, healthily, peacefully and prosperously!”Shri Nathji is extremely pleased with the output and says to Priya Nath:“Aise“It would have been a great mistake to disturb such a good system by any extraneous thing!”