The mid-afternoon sees Shri Nathji speaking to Shri.B.M.Khullar of Allahabad: “Jaan Jaana Rabb de“Hand over thy life to the Lord, It is a simple message: “Give up thy life to Him who has given it to thee, or else Death will take it away in any case!”Earlier Priya Nath had inadvertently given Shri Nathji a large quantity of fluids causing Shri Nathji to get up every hour by the hour, all night long, passing 100 cc. each time. Shri Nathji also had intense restlessness in the legs and Priya Nath gave him Fruit Salt –which brought instant relief.Morning Tea = 125 ccTea (again) = 75 cc.Apple Stew = 125cc.Mausammi Juice = 125 ccTomato Soup = 125 ccSaag = 75 ccCurd = 75 ccTotal Fluid intake till lunch = 725 ccPlus Tea = + 125 ccNet = 850 ccPepsi Cola = 100 cc.+ Evening Tea = 950 ccDinner Lauki = 75 ccPanir = 25 ccPepsi = 125 ccTOTAL = 1175 cc. = 1200ccPriya Nath had studied carefully the water content of various foods and added them to the grand total of fluids–which, many doctors, including Shri Nathji, insisted was not a proper calculation.