Monday April 20, 1992, is yet another good day but becomes worrisome towards the night. By Monday morning 9:30 am, Shri Nathji passes 400 cc only, but His weight remains constant at 41 kg – which is the greatest possible boon on earth for Priya Nath. It also showed that the low output was due to the excessive perspiration in the hot weather and not due to water retention.“Tasveer to Piyaji ban gayi hogi – pataa naheen usske paas zyaada chhorrni ttheek bhee hai ke naheen!“Piyaji, the portrait must be ready by now. It may not be good to leave it at his shop for so long!”Shri Nathji’s verse echoes out loud in the mind of Priya Nath:“Aa jaaye agar“If only it could come to hand, how Peaceful life would be –As the day progresses into night, Shri Nathji voids only 160 cc till 11 pm, due to the intense heat and sweating. However, He remains exceptionally well, despite Priya Nath’s fears at the low output. By 2 am late at night Shri Nathji has only passed the total dismal quantity of 160 cc which is the lowest in Priya Nath’s medical notes – and he is worried no end.“Piyaji, baat ko“Piyaji, if one reasons out the problem then there is no cause for worry!”Shri Nathji explains to Priya Nath the fantastic amount of sweating He had experienced all day long – making Him change His vest at least three times. That, plus the day temperature of 400 C, which is nearly 1040 F had naturally reduced the output. There is no Oedema on the feet despite the large intake of 1400 cc till dinner time, which is a very good sign.“PIYAJI, YOU HAVE SAVED MY LIFE AND PROLONGED IT. NO POWER ON EARTH CAN GO AGAINST YOUR WISHES!”Priya Nath in fact has never been so frightened before, because at no time has the urine output been as low as 160 cc till 2 am.