Tuesday, April 21, 1992, finds Shri Nathji in a joyful mood at 7:25 am laughing and joking from His bed, telling Priya Nath of some humorous episode of His life, which Priya Nath scarcely listens to, so worried is he about the extremely low output – the lowest he had seen in months. “Agar vazan zaraa bhee barrhaa huaa to ussee vakt diuretic de denaa!“If the weight has gone up even slightly give a diuretic at once!”Priya Nath’s joy knows no bounds as Shri Nathji steps on the weighing scale and his weight is found to be 41 kg!! All Priya Nath can do is record in block letters in his diary:“O LORD, A COUNTLESS THANKS FOR THY LOVE – PITAJI’S WEIGHT WAS THE SAME AS THAT OF YESTERDAY – 41 KG! O LORD, NO WORDS CAN THANK THEE ENOUGH ADEQUATELY – A COUNTLESS, COUNTLESS, THANKS TO THEE, O DEAR LORD, FOR THY LOVE AND KINDNESS.”All the same, Priya Nath calls Dr. Bawa for a check up, and the doctor assures Priya Nath that there is no fluid in Shri Nathji’s lungs and that He is perfectly all right. The doctor admits that 24 is a high respiratory rate but says it is probably due to a nose block or due to the hot weather – and not due to heart failure or any strain on the heart.