By the early morning of Tuesday, Pitaji was hungry and had tea and biscuits – and slept a little, but by the time He awoke and went for micturition, things were bad again.““Piyaji, haven’t you slept? Do not worry unnecessarily. You can ask Bhatia on the phone some time.”However, Priya Nath was hesitant about taking advice from Dr. Bhatia who almost never came, and who would most certainly have recommended hospitalization for the fast pulse, knowing of its gravity.O Lord, please stop the large urine quantities; O Lord, please stop the tachycardia. I am asking Thee but one thing, to give me the good boon of seeing Pitaji in good health. O Dear, Dear, Lord, please save us and help us.“Iskee to bilkul“Don’t worry about it all. Dr. Marya had said that the heart was in a good condition. Everything is all right. Do not worry yourself.”