To make up for the lapse, I played the cassette of “What is Real Freedom” today for Pitaji from beginning to end for 45 minutes. Pitaji liked it infinitely when we listened to it in the big room. He had made some profound observations in the speech:1. One’s past appears before man as his future. The seed he sows in the past appears as a tree in the future. Shri Nathji had often said:2. “He who sows must reap they say. And every cause must bring forth its sure effect. Good, good, and bad, bad. And none escape the Law. True, True.”3. Man has been granted some limited freedoms in which to perform his actions, and it is for him to choose between good and evil.4. There is no real freedom in life. Wealth is surrounded by the fears that it might go away. Good health is surrounded by the fears of illness. Young age is surrounded by the fears of old age. And old age is surrounded by the fear of Death. Man is bound under constraints all his life. 5. This is the Bhav Saagar, the Ocean of Life and Death, from which man has to secure absolute freedom.6. However, Complete Freedom is impossible to attain with one’s own efforts. Complete Freedom lies in delivering oneself up to God. 7. It is the voice of God: “8. A little child who is afraid of everything in the world suddenly finds himself filled with strength when he is in the lap of his mother. It is in delivering himself up to his mother that the child can find complete freedom.O Lord, Pitaji, nothing has given me more happiness today than the reduction in Pitaji’s “Baaghbaane Zindagaani”“Mateshwari ka Din”Both the “Mere Jalvaa Numaa Saaki”.O Dear, Dear, LORD, Pitaji, please look after Thyself all night. O Dear, Dear, Lord, a countless thanks. Please save us and help us, we take refuge in THEE.