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The Thursday is good on the whole, but the Oedema comes and goes, which Shri Nathji attributes to the tight dark brown socks He has been wearing. The elastic in the socks, near the calves, had invariably to be taken out by Mangla, as it lead to indentations on Shri Nathji’s soft skin, as well as swelling in the ankles.“Sab ttheek hai!Shri Nathji has a very small dinner, but eats well, and says that the diet is not enough or nutritious:“Ye koyi khaana thorri hai! Roz voyi voyi cheezen!“This is no food at all. Everyday it is the same. The quantity is very little. How can the body gain strength?”Priya Nath loves it whenever Shri Nathji appears to “complain” about anything. It shows to Priya Nath that He is in good health and in a “fighting mood”. Priya Nath only worries whenever Shri Nathji is silent, which is a sure sign that something is amiss.