Saturday, May 23, 1992 is yet another beautiful day, causing Priya Nath to note:“O Lord, a countless thanks for a Beautiful Saturday.”Shri Nathji gets up in the morning and tells Priya Nath that He had never felt so well before! It is the best possible news for Priya Nath. Shri Nathji’s words are sheer music for his ears:“Itnee achhee“My health has never been so good before! The brain is very clear. The stomach is so good that I am feeling absolutely hungry!”Priya Nath records:“O Lord, this was THY MIRACLE, nothing less.” It was obvious that Shri Nathji was listening to the agonized prayers of Priya Nath as noted down in his diaries. Shri Nathji had always said that genuine prayers were always answered–and here was a living proof of it.“O Lord, Thou hast made dear Pitaji well again by THY GRACE and INFINITE KINDNESS – FOR MY SAKE, for there is no one else in the world for whose sake Pitiji is living.”Shri Nathji’s constipation is also miraculously relieved in the morning.