Later Shri Nathji quotes Dr. Umesh Gupta who had said:“Inhen takleef to koyi hai naheen“There is nothing wrong with Him. We are over-medicating Him!”Shri Nathji’s stomach is again bad, and fluid output low, causing Priya Nath concern once again. Shri Nathji calms down Priya Nath’s worries by telling him that the fluid intake is so low that the output has to be low as well. 5 mg + 7.5 mg + 5 mg +7.5 mg = 25 mg for the whole day.Priya Nath thought that Shri Nathji would tolerate the divided doses better, and that he would have a smoother control of the blood pressure throughout the day. The 10 mg in three doses had probably been too strong for him.