Those were the days when the scourge of untouchability existed in the country and people had a tendency to look down upon those very persons who kept their homes and cities clean. These persons made immense sacrifices themselves for the comforts of society. And yet the thanklessness of society was such as to designate them to the lowest ranks. They were shunned and denied even the basic comforts of life. These people who did cleaning jobs for the higher strata of society usually lived in acute poverty in colonies and hovels of their own.
People who thought of themselves as having a high status and a high caste did not deign to enter into their colonies and to fraternize with them. These people who were an essential part of society lived the life of derelicts. As a consequence of the injustice perpetrated upon them since centuries, these persons lived a live of relative segregation from the rest of society. The thankless society paid its debt to them by looking down upon them and not giving them a chance to rise in life.
Shri Babaji Bhagwan had a special love for these people, and wished to show the world that they were as equal as the rest of mankind for the immense sacrifices they made. He had often said that these people had little or no egos within themselves and were therefore dear to God.
There was even a time when he had prayed to God: “O Lord! I do not wish to be made a Yugpurush or a Messiah!! Make me the smallest of the small instead, if you will, and I shall be happier!”
During the days when multitudes had been coming for his darshan, he wished one day that large numbers of these poor people come to his darbaar. And lo and behold! That very day his darbaar was filled with them, anxious for his darshan and blessings.
Shri Babaji Bhagwan went a step further and decided that he had to visit them in their homes, which the people of the higher strata of society scrupulously shunned. He made his intentions known to Shri Nathji, and the two of them together went into their colony and met them in their homes. They rushed to touch his feet, and many wept at his great love for them – a love such as they had never experienced before in their lives.
Shri Babaji Bhagwan said to Shri Nathji:
“Can you see God in them and touch their feet?”
And, saying this, Shri Babaji Bhagwan bent down and touched the feet of the poor people there. Shri Nathji willingly followed suit at once. Shri Nathji wrote later about this experience in his book, “Zahoore Haqueeqat” and said: “At the time when I touched the feet of the poor I felt as if I had reached the pinnacle of glory!”
People, who had long been accustomed to touching the feet of Shri Babaji Bhagwan and Shri Nathji and seeing multitudes prostrate themselves before them, were astonished at this new revelation. Truly Shri Babaji Bhagwan and Shri Nathji saw God in every person in the world. Worldly status was of no consequence to them.
Shri Babaji Bhagwan said: “It is easy to see God in those who are great, but real glory lies in seeing God even in those who are placed lowly in life.”
Indeed this was in sharp contrast to many mahatmas who placed the high and the mighty on a pedestal and made them their devotees.