And then came Shri Nathji’s fascinating broadcast over B.B.C., London. Mateshwari and Priya Nath sat by the side of a radio in New Delhi. God was broadcasting his voice across thousands of miles. Science was doing God’s work for him. In the ages past He had often to speak direct from the skies in an Aakaashvaani, or a Commandment.
Shri Nathji said over the B.B.C.,
“Even as all the rivers of the world flow down to the ocean, so do all religions strive for a common goal. The thirst in man can only be satiated by water–call the liquid by any name you like: jal, aab, or paani, it shall remain what it is. Similarly, there is a spiritual thirst in man that can only be satisfied by God-realisation. Religions may call it by various names.
Hundreds of letters arrived at the office of the B.B.C. sent by people from India who had received a very pleasant surprise. No one in India had known Shri Nathji was in London, till then.
Shri Nathji–in London! said his breathless admirers.
As usual, Shri Nathji’s movements were without any publicity or fanfare, and no one seemed to know where he was. Shri Nathji did not maintain a register of addresses of all the people he had met in his life. Such a register would have run into volumes. As a matter of fact, he had only a few addresses, of people very close to him. And these people were informed of Shri Nathji’s sudden visit abroad.