The next day a messenger brought a note for Priya Nath from Arthur Seelye. It read as follows:
We thank you for bringing your father to us. All our doubts have disappeared ever since we heard his words and experienced his nearness.
“A strange thing happened in the night after he had left. I saw a vision. I would not say it was a dream, it was much too vivid.
“Your father appeared before me and caught my hand in his own. I was filled with an inspiration I had hitherto never experienced in my life. It was as if a divine current had flown into me. I wish to come to thank your father personally.
And Arthur Seelye came to Shri Nathji at his residence. Priya Nath was away at Harvard at the time.
Sir, said Arthur Seelye to Shri Nathji, you held my hand in the vision. I have but one question to ask: have you accepted me? When you held my hand it was as if I had found a guide. Surely the goal must not be unattainable if one has a guide.
Your question comes late, Shri Nathji smiled, it comes after you have been accepted! The question of acceptance cannot arise after acceptance is an accomplished fact. Had I not accepted you in the first place, I would not have come to hold your hand.
Many years later, after Shri Nathji had returned to India, he received a letter from Mrs. Seelye informing him of the peaceful passing away of her husband. He had gone to higher regions with the promise of acceptance in his heart.
Not everyone in the world was sufficiently advanced spiritually to retain everything Shri Nathji gave. Many people would experience the highest of spiritual bliss, feel the nearness of God, receive a share of enlightenment–and, then, later, forget the experience.
Shri Nathji often mentioned Arjuna, to whom Lord Krishna had revealed His Universal Form. A little while after the occurrence of the event, Arjuna forgot the experience. The involvement in the material world was too strong to allow spiritual revelations a permanent place in the human heart. The few exceptions that were, gave place to devotees of the highest order. These had vessels large enough to retain what was given them.