By Mr. R. R. Khanna, M.Sc.,
Registrar, Lucknow University,
Lucknow India.
My Divine Guru, Shri Bhola Nathji Maharaj is a world teacher, and is already recognised as such by those to whom He has chosen to disclose Himself. For me to describe Him is like showing a candle to the Sun; but perhaps the bright Sun can be seen more easily through smoked-glass (i.e. a sinner like myself). In this spirit these few lines are written.
The personality of Shri Nathji is Divine, of whom the whole world will soon be proud. He is Love Incarnate and the living fountain of Divine Love from whom others may drink freely. He is the Supreme Lover personified; and yet, if you meet Him, His sublime humility, His unmatched meekness and His overflowing Love will over-power you. He calls himself Ghulam Rue’ Zameen i.e. Servant of the Earth–Slave of all humanity. As you will see, His speeches and writings are dyed deeply with Love; they melt hearts grown hard by unremitting contact with material life. His personal charm draws members of all faiths and religions and having drawn them, holds them in a relationship of Love. Nathji’s teachings are absolutely free from all religious prejudice; they are common to all religions. His spiritual Power (Shakti) transcends human power of description and understanding.
For years, my prayer had been Oh Lord, be so kind as to appear before me once in Human form: for, hundreds of thousands of prostrations are awaiting their fulfilment upon my forehead.
This prayer has been fulfilled and the Lord has come to me as the Embodiment of Love. I have had the rare privilege of living at His holy feet for over two years now, and can state with certainty that no genuine seeker after Truth or Lover of God, can go away disappointed from His door, no matter what his religious belief or previous attainment may be. Those who have been genuinely waiting for the return of their Lord on earth (to redeem them), and those who have suffered the anguish of separation from their Lord, will receive a message of Love and Peace from Shri Nathji at first sight without a word being spoken. Let them come and receive their message of Love and Peace.
His famous book in Urdu, Payaam-e-Mohabbat- A Message of Love, is being translated into English, and it is hoped, will be published soon. No book can, however, replace the spoken word or the personal touch of a teacher, least of all personal contact with a World Teacher. In these short essays, (published in the form of Rays of Light) there is sufficient spark to fire the imagination of the uninitiated who really want contact with Divine Life. Older lovers will find fresh stimulation, sufficient to last them until they come and meet Shri Nathji face to face to receive their message.
This is being published as an invitation to everybody to come and feel the joy of Life of the Spirit–as an invitation to those who have had enough of the anxieties of material life, and now seek strength and peace of mind; an invitation to troubled and wounded hearts to a quiet and soothing sojourn on earth by Union with Divine Life, and then to a life of Love, Faith and Service.
i know him to be the avatar for which members of all religions have been waiting.
Ram Rattan Khanna,
No. 1 Rai Prag Narain Road
January 1, 1933.