Shri Ramnath Seth of Bombay was in Mussoorie for the summer, along with his mother, Rama Devi. They met Shri Nathji at one of his sermons. The old lady had a pure heart. That very night she had a very vivid vision: that of Shri Nathji, riding a white horse, and a fascinating glow of light emanating from him in all directions. It was a vision of the Kalki Avatar. Not all were given such revelations.
Shri Nathji had often explained this with the words: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!
There could have been no clearer understanding of this quotation from the Bible than was being seen in Shri Nathji.
People who had pure hearts actually saw God in the form of Shri Nathji.
These were the thirsty souls: As it had been said:
“Poorv janmon ke punya udai hone se Bhagwan ke darshan hote hain.
It is the culmination of the fruit of all the good actions of the past births that make one see God.
Shri Nathji used to quote from the Hindu writings: Athhaa-to-Brahma-jigyaasaa.
O Man! Having come into this world, seek to see God! The few souls who had this desire in their hearts since ages were instantly given the divine vision of Shri Nathji. The Vedas said:
“Ishaa vaasya midam sarvam”
All that exists before us is filled with the glory of God.
And God had to reveal this glory Himself in human form–
Yato vaacho nivartante apraapya mansaa sahaa
He whom the speech cannot reach, whom the mind cannot realize–He is that!
In the invisible form yes, He was that; but when He came down in the human form of Shri Nathji, the mind began to understand Him, and words began to reach Him.
The old lady returned to Bombay with this vision ingrained in her heart. She kept a photograph of Shri Nathji in her prayer room till the last days of her life.
Her son, Ramnath Seth didn’t have the vision of his mother, but grew to love and adore Shri Nathji with a brotherly affection. He would frequently write to him and say: Dear Brother. He was conscious of the Divine Being in Shri Nathji and retained this relationship with him for many years till the day his letters stopped coming, and he reached the abode of the heavens where Shri Nathji was waiting for all his devotees in his real divine form.
Death to the devotees of Shri Nathji meant a meeting with the Divine Form of Shri Nathji on the other side. This was their heaven.
Those of them, who were not fortunate enough to have secured this vision on earth, did so in the world to come.