When Mrs.Bhutt’s daughter, Pushpa, or Kalimayi, underwent numerous sufferings in life, resulting in an impairment of normal body functioning, Mrs. Bhutt was undaunted, her faith as firm as ever.
Physical suffering only comes from God to test our faith, and to raise us to higher spiritual levels! Who cares for physical suffering anyway? I prefer the vegetable state of my daughter to the state of a normal girl who is torn by desires, emotions, ambitions, hatred, fear! This way, she is at least free of these torments. It must be the Will of God to keep her thus! Also, in this state she cannot consciously commit any sin, and is therefore free of the law of Karma, and hence free from the cycle of rebirth. This may be her last birth upon earth.”
To Shri Nathji she would often write:
My life is passing away. I am living far from you. How fortunate are the ones living close to you! Of their salvation there can be no doubt. It is those who are far from you who have cause for worry. I am afraid I might have to be born again in this world as an animal–kookar shookar! My last desire in life is that I be allowed to serve you with the meagre strength at my disposal. I can do nothing now except stand at your door and sing your praises before the world!