Shri Nathji never forgot to celebrate the birthday of Shri Babaji Maharaj, no matter where he was. On the 21st of January 1948, he carried out the celebration at Mayfair Building at Bombay. He sent invitation cards to his devotees all over India, writing their addresses meticulously as best as he could recall them. Shri Nathji used this occasion to send his divine grace to the citizens of Bombay. Sitting in that one room at Mayfair Building, his vibrations were going out to the whole world. He was like an ocean that remained silent on most occasions but surged with joy whenever he wished to shower special blessings upon mankind.
He received letters of congratulations from people all over the country who were pleasantly surprised to know that he was in Bombay. These invitation cards were the means that Shri Nathji used to tell humanity where he was residing at any particular time.
The Birthday of Shri Babaji Maharaj was yet another day when Shri Nathji spread his Divine Grace everywhere.
The greatest admirers of Shri Nathji ranged from the lowliest to the highest, the poorest to the wealthiest, those without any status at all and those with high positions in the world.
One amongst these was Sir Sita Ram, a great intellectual and political figure of the time, who had been greatly drawn towards Shri Nathji. When he received Shri Nathji’s invitation card he voiced the sentiments of all devotees in conveying his respectful pranaams. It was an occasion, which the devotees used to convey their pranaams- humble obeisances from far and near.
He had met Shri Nathji but once in his lifetime and had developed an abiding faith in him, which the passage of years did not dim.
United Provinces Legislative Council
5 Cassels’ Road
January 26, 1948
Dear Swamiji,
Many thanks for your kind invitation to the birthday celebrations of Shri Babaji Bhagwan on the 21st of January. The invitation reached here only today.
I respectfully offer my pranaams on the happy occasion.
Yours Sincerely,
Sita Ram