At the conclusion of the function the devotees came to him, one by one, for Prasaad. Amongst the devotees was Shri Ram Rattan Khanna one of the oldest devotees of Shri Nathji.
Shri Nathji embraced R.R. Khanna, and then did something very unusual. He removed a garland from his neck and placed it around the neck of R.R. Khanna. It was a very special gesture, with a very special meaning. It was to be a last farewell. Shri Nathji was bidding goodbye to him on the physical plane. R.R. Khanna was to leave the world in the days to come. Shri Nathji had given him the garland as a symbol of his acceptance in the spiritual world, which was to come; it was like the garland that Lord Rama placed around the neck of Hanuman.