There were times when Shri Nathji spoke for such long hours that daylight turned into night and night turned into dawn, even as the people gathered there remained totally unconscious of the passage of time. This unique phenomenon was witnessed especially at the Chopra house. People would go to their offices directly from his home. And it was a surprising thing that no one felt the lack of sleep.
The entire Chopra family, from the youngest to the oldest, was totally absorbed in Shri Nathji as if that was the only purpose for their existence upon earth.
Indeed, Shri Nathji had a staunch devotee in Sardar Harbhajan Singh Chopra. His house had photographs of Shri Nathji in each and every room. His wife, Mrs. Chopra used to say:
Kishen Bishen Kabhi na dhyaaun
Jo var maangoon tumhi se paaun
I worship no deity other than thee
Whatever I want, I shall get from thee!
Shri Nathji had given the family such intense faith, that sometimes it astonished even them.