Shri Babaji Maharaj once startled a group of people sitting before him by saying suddenly: “The entire Universe is moving in accordance with my will!”
“But Maharaj”, said the startled group, “you always told us that the universe was moving in accordance with the Will of God! Would it not be heresy to say that it is moving in accordance with your will?”
Shri Babaji Maharaj said: “You are right. The Universe is moving in accordance with the Will of God. I have delivered myself to God, like a zero coming before one. I am like a child who is in the lap of his mother. The child has no strength of his own, but when he is with his mother then his mother’s strength becomes the strength of the child. I have no will of my own. Therefore, whatever is working through me is the Will of God. My will is now His Will. And it is that same Will which is working in the Universe. Therefore I can say without hesitation that the entire Universe is working in accordance with my will!”