After Shri Nathji’s return to Delhi, he and Priya Nath became engrossed in the printing of two of their books, The First Rays of Dawn and Rigmarole. The First Rays of Dawn was an English translation of Shri Nathji’s Daivi Kirnen, whereas Rigmarole was a comedy written by Priya Nath. Shri Nathji would refer to laughter as instant salvation, and always had a large place in his heart for humour and humorists.“Nathji, Nathji, Nathji, “Say Nathji! Nathji! Nathji!This was to be Shri Nathji’ first tryst with the world of printing and the sharks of the trade. Shri Nathji would be seen in the crowded Chawri Bazar at Chandni Chowk purchasing paper, discussing the print and the type with press managers at their dusty presses, listening to the clanging sounds of the printing machines, reading and correcting proofs with the sharpness of an expert proof reader, and finally checking the veracity of the bills.