Shri Nathji wears his old, familiar, yellowish-white checked shirt from the days of Mussoorie these days and is frequently bare-headed when alone.“Your Highness you had been hiding your beauty in the turban. You look so much better without it!”Priya Nath was the only one who was fortunate to see Shri Nathji without any head dress of any kind throughout the day. Shri Nathji would quickly put a cloth over his head if even Mangla came into the room with the food. Most often, however, Priya Nath would go into the kitchen and bring the food that had been made by Mangla there. Mangla was hesitant about entering Shri Nathji’s room as she was perpetually afflicted with a cough and was afraid that she might convey the infection to Shri Nathji by coughing in his room.