Shri Nathji and Priya Nath relaxed for a few days after the function. Shri Nathji, who had shed His Divine Radiance on hundreds gathered in the Hall and millions in the world, was seen at home, in an ‘anti-climax’ giving his darshan to a little girl, Nanu, daughter of Virendra Vig of Allahabad.“I ask for your blessings so that I may have a brother – a baby-boy for my mother!”Shri Nathji blessed the child and she left happily.“I want to spread Shri Nathji’s message to all corners of the world, and at least to all corners of Asia. Here is such a wonderful personality – and the world is not aware of His Real Self!“I had a feeling today that Shri Nathji had been calling out to me since this morning.“I have kept Shri Nathji’s photograph in my home, next to that of Guru Nanak, and have the same respect for Shri Nathji as I have for Nanak!”Earlier, in 1987, he had been completely converted to Shri Nathji when he had read Shri Nathji’s biography: “The Advent of the Avatar”. His first meeting with Shri Nathji had been dramatic. He had brought a list of questions to ask Shri Nathji, but found that Shri Nathji answered all of them, unasked! The Divine Radiance of Shri Nathji completely bathed his soul.“I am a soldier. I have even killed people in war. I have a stone heart. And I never cry. But whenever I came before Shri Nathji my heart and soul would burst out in tears. A Divine Bliss took possession of me!“THERE SHALL NEVER BE ANOTHER SHRI NATHJI IN THE WORLD AGAIN!”There was the occasion when he was visiting Shri Nathji and the lights and fans stopped working due to a power failure. He picked up a hand fan and stood next to Shri Nathji’s bed, fanning him till the power was restored a half-hour later.