On September 2, Priya Nath asks Shri Nathji to dictate a Persian verse, which he had recorded on tape the day before. It was a Persian Verse Shri Nathji was very fond of – and one he quoted often in his sermons:“Dauraane bakaa choon baade sehraa biguzashtThe time of Life passed away like the breeze over the jungle,“Pindaasht sitamgar ke jafaa bar maa kard“Remember, O tormenter, the torments thou has put me to,Priya Nath especially liked the last two lines of the verse for the sake of which he has asked Shri Nathji to dictate the Verse to him. It was a verse that Priya Nath long afterwards quoted when he began speaking to audiences after the going away of Shri Nathji.“Bhagwan Krishna kaa Sudarshan Chakra“The Discus of Lord Krishna is the Law of Karma.“He who sows must reap they say,