Shri Nathji asks Ramesh Sharma to bring a new plastic comb for him and Sharma brings three new combs. Ramesh Sharma is fortunate in being the only devotee from whom Shri Nathji calls for various knick knacks in the house. It is a privilege that is not given to any other devotee, except perhaps Vijay Kapahi, who brings the shaving blades for Shri Nathji.“Maine aapko apne sar par le liyaa hai!“I have placed you on my head!”–thus giving the man the highest possible honour for the plastic combs that he had brought. Small wonder, then, that the late devotee of Shri Nathji, Kasturilal used to sing:“Iss qadar Bhole hain mere Bhole Nath,“My Bhola Nath is so innocent,