Sanjay Swami, the son of Shri G.K. Swami of Nangal, had become distraught because he could not find a job in the Gulf, for which purpose he had come to Delhi. “Manushya mazdoori deth hai,“When man pays for services rendered,Anyone who ever did anything for Shri Nathji was always richly rewarded for his services.“Telephone Sinha and tell him not to invite any politician or V.I.P. – as it would destroy the free and spiritual atmosphere of the hall. We must not involve ourselves with politicians who will have the occasion to propagate their own political cause, and who are capable of changing their loyalties, or be thrown out of their offices at any time!”This was in sharp contrast to the spiritual leaders of the time who thirsted for the presence of V.I.P.’s in their functions to enhance their own prestige.