While Priya Nath remains concerned about Shri Nathji’s health, Shri Nathji, on his part, is greatly concerned for Priya Nath and is worried if he has even the slightest cough or cold or fever. At such moments Shri Nathji always insists that a doctor be called.“Piyaji aapko ttheek raihnaa chahiye. Aap hee to mujhko samhaal rahe hain. Kaheen koyi sharaarat to naaheen kar rahaa ke inko down karo?”“Piyaji you must remain well. You are the only one who is looking after me. I am worried lest someone be playing mischief to bring us both down.”If Priya Nath even so much as coughed once, Shri Nathji would immediately ask:“Piyaji, sab thheek hai? Ye khaansi kaisee aayi thhee? Kaheen vo hot to cold to naheen phir shuru ho rahaa? Aityaat rakhni chahiye. Ek dam sardi men naheen nikalnaa chahiye!“Piyaji, is everything all right? Why did you cough just now? I hope that hot to cold trouble is not starting again? Take care of yourself. You must not go out into the cold suddenly.”Priya Nath had not forgotten how worried Shri Nathji had become during those days of 1976 when Priya Nath had become allergic to a change in temperature from hot to cold. Every time that he would get out of his warm quilt he would start coughing. The ailment had persisted for several weeks and was “cured” ultimately by the homeopathic medicines of Dr. Harish Chand Diwan of Delhi. It was the only time in their lives that homeopathy had ever worked. Shri Nathji would always praise Dr. Diwan’s treatment–though of course it was his miracle that had cured the disease. “Piyaji, kaprre garam zaroor paihan lene chahiyen. Pataa naheen lagtaa kiss vakt sardi pakarr le. Tthand barri “Piyaji, you must wear warm clothes. One does not know when the cold may affect one. The cold can be very treacherous. It penetrates deep inside the body.”Whenever Priya Nath went out of the bedroom during the winter months Shri Nathji would always say to him:“Piyaji, bahaar jaate vakt mooh pe kaprraa rakh liyaa karo!“Piyaji, keep a cloth over your mouth while going out of the room! Always wear a muffler.”Priya Nath always remembered whenever he came inside the house after a trip outside, how Shri Nathji would stop him from removing his coat:“Piyaji andar aate hee “Piyaji, never remove your coat when coming inside. It can result in a sudden temperature change from hot to cold.”