There is a phone call from a certain Pramod Talwar, nephew of Dr. Shakuntala Talwar, whose brother is seriously ill from Leukemia, and he wants Shri Nathji to save him. It was Shri Nathji’s miracle that the man had survived for about eight years when his condition was very bad. He had even married during that time. “I have not come to cure the sick¬–but to call sinners to repentance!”The fact was, that Shri Nathji had not come to cure the sick either, he had come to take people across the Bhav Saagar, the Ocean of Life and Death.“If I cure a sick man, he will fall ill again. If I bring a dead man back to life, he will die once again. My miracle lies in lighting the lamp of Faith in your hearts which will weather the worst storms of life and never be extinguished!–And if the storms threaten to extinguish it then I myself will stand before them!”Dr. Kumar makes a new set of dentures for Shri Nathji but they don’t appear to fit, and cut his gums. As a result Shri Nathji can hardly chew the food. This adds further to the stomach discomfort, causing greater indigestion and gas, and further aggravating the weakness and irregular pulse.