Priya Nath switches on the old classics on television so that he and Shri Nathji can relax in the nights. But Shri Nathji invariably falls asleep while watching the serials. The old classics of Guru Dutt, the famed actor and director, are being screened these days. Shri Nathji and Priya Nath also watch portions of some ‘Uttar Ramayana’ in which the god, Garuda, is seen doubting the divinity of Lord Rama, as well as His avatar-hood. This is so, because Rama and Laxman had fallen unconscious due to the weapon ‘Nagpaash’ thrown at them by Ravana. Only Garuda could free them from the clutches of the weapon and restore them to consciousness. “This is how certain devotees lose Faith when they see you ill and helpless in bed. They forget it is part of your Leela-Play and you are testing their Faith!”Shri Nathji had said in Nagpur in 1978:“If a minister of the government falls ill, it does not mean that he has lost his ministerial powers. Only his body is ill, his powers remain the same. In a like manner, when I fall ill it does not mean that my divine power is lessened in any way. It is only the body which is affected by the ailment.”