As if in answer to Priya Nath’s prayer, a certain Chandan Singh appears on the scene. He is a professional cook from Naini Tal and had cooked for the famed political figure, Dr. Katju. He had met Shri Nathji and Priya Nath in 1972 at Metropole Hotel and had been so touched by Shri Nathji’s Love and Divinity that he had come down to Delhi to serve as a cook in Shri Nathji’s house. He had returned to Naini Tal due to eye-trouble and had not been heard of since then.“I had a dream in which Shri Nathji and Priya Nathji appeared before me and called me!”The man is an excellent cook who knows how to make at least a hundred varieties of soups! Priya Nath hopes his cooking will restore Shri Nathji to good health again. Shri Nathji, too, is happy to see the man.