Shri Nathji had written a ghazal and given it to Priya Nath to compose. Priya Nath had put it so music and had played it before Shri Nathji. Shri Nathji calls it a “masterpiece” ghazal.“Iss ghazal ko sunkar to Sufi log naachne lagenge!“The Sufis will get up and dance if they listen to this ghazal!”The masterpiece ghazal is:“Main mast hoon azal se paimaana kyaa karoon,“I am intoxicated since the time of creation, of what use the cup of wine?Shri Nathji also quotes his famous verse:“Mazaa hasti kaa letaa hoon gulo bulbul judaa bankar,“I take the joy of existence in the Rose and the Nightingale separately,Here was the highest of philosophies in which God appeared in the form of everything in the world – and even in the form of Death.