Shri Nathji is in a very good mood as June progresses. He even hums a ghazal after a long, long time. And then he records a beautiful new speech on PRAYER, which is a grand revelation. 1. All genuine prayers are answered.2. If God does not answer a prayer, it is for the betterment of man.3. God does not answer a prayer when the person is asking for the wrong thing–like a sick child with fever, asking for ice-cream.4. When God does not appear to answer, even then He is answering prayers–through His silence. Usski khaamoshi hee usskaa javaab hai!5. God does not answer prayers when He wishes to give you something better than you prayed for.6. God appears not to answer at times–but He is waiting for the right time to answer! You ask at your time and He wishes to give at His time!7. When you pray for the world, for the sufferings of others, God removes your sufferings.8. If God were to listen to every person’s prayer, the world would perish, because everyone has some enemy in the world, and one man’s gain would be another man’s loss.9. Prayer is a natural inborn instinct in man for help. It is like the spontaneous cry of a child for his mother.10. When man starts getting answers to his prayers, the existence of God stands proved. You stand outside a locked house and ask for various fruits. When these fruits are thrown out of the house, you know that there is Someone inside who is answering your prayers.11. When God answers the prayers of man. He comes down to his level, but when he does not answer the prayers of man, He takes man to His own level!