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But these are days when Priya Nath suffers acute agony as he sees Shri Nathji’s urine stream and quantity becoming less and less, despite diuretics and an increase or decrease in water. It is quite clear to Priya Nath that water is accumulating inside Shri Nathji’s body. “Kis tarah darde nihaan ko roobroo tere kahoon,“How can I relate the hidden sorrow of my heart before Thee, face to face, “Dar tere pe aajizon kaa shorogaugaa ho gayaa“The tumult of those in despair rings out at Thy Door!He also prays to Shri Nathji, using the words of Shri Nathji’s ghazal:“Saaraa goyaa ye jahaan hai ik ishaara aapka,“This world is but a single gesture of Thine,