Lest the Good Lord be offended at his ingratitude, Priya Nath notes down the achievements of the recent past:1. The miracle of the Urea falling from 60 to 37.2. The great miracle of the increase in the Urine output – meaning an improvement of the kidney function.3. The improved urine stream driving away the fears of prostatic obstruction.4. Improved General condition.5. No ill effects of pulse irregularity or pauses.6. The good adaptation to Nifedipine which Shri Nathji calls “Bepin” in His darling voice.7. The plethora of doctors to look after him: Dr. (Col) Khanna, Dr.(Col) Mathur, Dr. Umesh Gupta, Dr. Bawa, – and stand-byes like Dr. Ravi Saxena, Dr. Barat, Dr. S. Chandra, Dr. Anil Gupta.8. No ill effects from the prolonged constipation.9. A good exercise tolerance, as seen in the large number of 60-100 Rounds that Shri Nathji walks almost daily.10. Leg improvement coming about.11. His right eye is all right.12. The prostate is in check, urine is copious.13. Freedom – albeit temporary, from the horrors of litigation.14. Keeping Priya Nath well and fit enough to look after Shri Nathji.15. “A countless number of other Mercies bestowed upon us.”As Priya Nath ends his 21st diary, he records:“O Lord, please help us – and save us, and preserve us – in all the pages of the coming next diary –the 22nd – as THOU hast showered THY Miraculous Grace upon us in this diary ended today – on January the 20th, 1992 – BY THY INFINITE GRACE.”Priya Nath begins his 22nd Diary with the words:“O Lord, I begin this 22nd Diary with an Infinite number of prostrations to Thee, and countless, countless, thanks for keeping Pitaji well. Please continue to shower Thy Infinite Grace and Blessings upon us, and to keep Pitaji well and healthy through Thy miraculous power and Infinite Kindness upon us.”AMEN