After dinner, Priya Nath and Shri Nathji watch the video film in the big room. Shri Nathji chews a ‘chappaati’ for the first time in weeks. Teri ye tasveer hai be-shak karaare zindagiThis, Thy portrait, is of a certainty, the solace of my Life,Shri Nathji is still asking about the two old carpets which have been sent to the Dry Cleaner’s shop and haven’t come back yet, saying: “Unhen phenkna naheen chahiye!“They must not be thrown away!”At 3:47 am, early morning of January 20, 1992, Shri Nathji is sitting in His armchair in the bedroom, still awake due to the discomfort in his stomach.“Vahaan aur kachar-pachar naheen lagaanin chahiyen. Acchhee tasveeren lag gayee hain!“The room must not be cluttered with all kinds of pictures. It is well decorated with the portraits now.”By 5:15 am Shri Nathji is writing ghazals in a sitting-up position in bed. When Priya Nath asks him about his health, he says:“Bahut hee achhee hai