The weather gets warmer during the last week of January 1992. The minimum temperature gradually rises from 80 C to 130 C and Shri Nathji even has to ask Priya Nath to shut off the hot air blower during the night.“Piyaji – kal se phir se gaanaa bajaanaa shuroo kar do!“Piyaji – start your music and singing once again from tomorrow!”As January 26, 1992 draws to a close, there is Priya Nath embracing Shri Nathji and kissing Him on His chest, asking Him to cure Himself of the Blood Pressure problem.“Piyaji, kissee ko “Piyaji, did you phone anyone just now?”Shri Nathji’s Blood Pressure takes many a turn, going up to 180/60, 190/60 and 210/60 and falling abruptly to 140/55 or 130/55 when Nifedipine is taken.