At the end of the video showings, Shri Nathji begins His magnificent speech, which lasts for about 45 minutes. He speaks through the black microphone from his bed, while a loudspeaker is placed in the big room for the devotees assembled there.“Agar main beemaar naa parroon to main koyi pathhar to naheen hoon!“I am not made of stone that I may never fall ill!”He tells the listeners:“YE VO JAGAH HAI JAHAAN AGLI DUNIYAAN KE LIYE“THIS IS THAT PLACE WHERE ONE CAN GET A PASSPORT AS WELL AS FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR THE NEXT WORLD!”Shri Nathji lays emphasis on humility:“Even the highest mountain peaks stand on the lowest level of the land. All the great Souls that came into this world had humility ingrained in them.“This mission is not mine – but that of God Himself.“The gates of Heaven opened for Justice Bhutt when he left the world. He had full faith in me and remained loyal right up to the end.“LET MY VOICE GO TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD! Shri Nathji’s Face was glowing like a thousand Suns. He did not look like a man of 90 – but rather like a young man. There was not a single wrinkle on His Face. An unusual Heavenly Light showered its radiance upon everyone present. Shri Nathji’s visage was that of God Incarnate Himself.Mangla performs the ARTI of Shri Babaji Bhagwan in the big room along with the devotees. The Arti is performed over the large wooden portrait of Shri Nathji in the big room.Amongst the large group were Vijay Kapahi, his wife and mother, Ramesh Kapahi and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kapil Kapahi and their children, Alok Chand Sharma and his wife, the entire Vishal Bhatnagar family, Kishen Bhatnagar and his wife, the Bahl family, Ranbir Singh binder, Dr. and Mrs. Chavan, Dr. and Mrs Muley and their son, Dr. Mahindru, A.C. Ahuja, Mr. and Mrs. Rijumal, Shanti, Ramesh and his wife, the devotees from Nangal, Punjab, Raju Tanksale of Nagpur, Manu and his friend Gaurav, Shri N.L. Talwar, V.B. Singh and his wife, and others. In addition there were the Narsikar family, Gajanan and Mangla.